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Pisces & Cancer Compatibility

View Pisces Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Pisces & Cancer

Love between a Cancer and Pisces will undoubtedly involve plenty of romance and passion. Both are selfless individuals who enjoy giving and receiving love. Therefore, a deep and genuine willingness will exist on both sides to make each other feel like they’re the most special person in the world. A strong bond of trust will exist from the outset in their love connection, and both will bring an amazing level of creativity to the relationship. Neither will see writing love letters or poems as old-fashioned or outdated, and both will find the other’s ability to make them laugh extremely attractive.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Pisces & Cancer

Are Cancer and Pisces compatible sexually? Passion can erupt between these two like a volcano on a nuclear testing ground! However, their passion will unlikely to be the loud and trashing kind. Their intimate connection will be based on powerful emotions strong enough to create a bonding of souls. They’ll both be willing to hold each other’s hand – perhaps literally – to ensure that when their relationship deepens intimately, it’s because both feel the time is right for it to do so. Cancer and Pisces possess extremely caring natures that will make their partner feel loved, comfortable and safe. Cancer will likely have a more old-fashioned approach to sex and intimacy but will be delighted and intrigued to see what Pisces’s imagination conjures!

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Pisces & Cancer

The intellectual compatibility and communication between Cancer and Pisces will involve plenty of two-way exchanges. Their intellectual connection could be so deep that it can be psychic at times. However, much of their communication could take the form of childlike banter; something Cancer will grow tired of long before Pisces does. Cancer will adore Pisces’s hilarious observations and ability to escape into vibrant fantasy worlds of their creation but will be able to keep Pisces tethered to reality when necessary. It will also be very important that Pisces follows through on any promises made. When Pisces drifts off to La La Land, this could be something they’ll inadvertently overlook.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Pisces & Cancer

The strengths of a Cancer and Pisces relationship revolve around each other’s ability to take their connection to depths of passion they might not experience with anyone else. Cancer puts tremendous emphasis on creating domestic stability, and sentimental Pisces will appreciate the warmth and comfort Cancer creates. In return, Pisces offers Cancer a perfect partner to open up to. The weaknesses in a Cancer and Pisces relationship surrounds a struggle on both sides to push aside fantasies and accept that relationship progress relies on making practical decisions. Frugal Cancer might need to keep a tight rein on finances in this relationship, too. Pisces might need Cancer to remind them frequently of what’s meant by the word, ‘budget’ and the phrase, ‘don’t spend what you haven’t got.’

General Compatibility between Pisces & Cancer

Compatibility between a Cancer and a Pisces involves more than a meeting of minds or hearts. Their connection is a meeting of kindred spirits. Both are very tolerant and sympathetic, and while Pisces might be the more imaginative and creative of the two, it will be Cancer’s make-things-happen attitude that turns fantasies into something real. Both partners are highly sensitive and fragile in their own ways. Fortunately, this helps them both understand the pain of thoughtless words and actions. It also encourages honesty and openness in their love connection, with neither likely to conceal any skeletons in closets!

Cancer Man and Pisces Woman

Compatibility between a Cancer Man and Pisces Woman is based largely around their shared imagination and creativity. Both are highly spiritual and can be intensely emotional. Fortunately, they know how to deal with each other’s insecurities and fluctuating emotions. Both the Cancer Man and the Pisces Woman need plenty of domestic love and stability, and can create a beautiful, comfortable home together that will be visited frequently by a wide circle of mutual friends. They are also transparent with their thoughts and feelings, and a deep bond of unspoken trust will exist between them from the outset. Expressive, affectionate, and extremely sensual together, they’ll ensure they make each other a priority in their lives.

Cancer Woman and Pisces Man

Compatibility between a Cancer Woman and Pisces Man is an intense blend of emotions and sensitivity. A Cancer Woman and Pisces Man will create a strong, intuitive connection that will shield them from as many potentially painful experiences as possible. Therefore, Cancer Woman and Pisces Man compatibility can be strong because both partners seek emotional security and stability. However, this can also play a part in relationship challenges they experience. The Cancer Woman wants a partner in every sense of the word, especially during tough times. The Pisces Man might be as prone to falling apart as she is. The Pisces Man needs a partner who will understand and share his depth of imagination and emotions. The Cancer Woman can undoubtedly fit that bill, but when she hauls him back to Earth, it could be with a bit of an uncomfortable bump. However, in his heart, Pisces Man knows that’s what he needs.

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