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Pisces & Taurus Compatibility

View Pisces Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Pisces & Taurus

If love blossoms between a Taurus and Pisces, then the relationship will be a delightful blend of sensuality and spirituality. Taurus will create a loving, atmospheric environment filled with candles, scents, a touch of luxury and touching that Pisces will adore. The love between a Taurus and Pisces will always be underpinned with kindness, compassion and as free from tension or confrontation as both can make it. Pisces will make Taurus feel extra special and loved constantly. Taurus will help Pisces to overcome constant feelings of insecurity and understand the meaning of emotional stability.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Pisces & Taurus

Sex between a Taurus and Pisces will always involve love, tenderness, and sensuality. Both can become completely immersed in the experience that can move from pure lust to a spiritual bonding very quickly. Taurus needs a partner who inspires them and brings creativity and imagination to intimacy, and Pisces will be unlikely ever to fail to meet their expectations. Taurus will know precisely how to help Pisces relax and not feel obliged to live up to some exceedingly high sexual expectations Pisces set for themselves. Sex between a Taurus and Pisces is balanced delightfully, with both determined to ensure selfishness plays no part in their connection.

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Pisces & Taurus

Taurus loves to laugh, and Pisces will never run out of amusing anecdotes or observations to share with them. However, Pisces will always make a concerted effort to be completely transparent to Taurus and not conceal a single secret. Taurus, on the other hand, will be more guarded and could feel that Pisces’s keenness to know everything Taurus to be more interrogative than flattering. Pisces will complement Taurus constantly and know intuitively what to say to make them feel loved, sexy and special. Taurus will be more inclined to draw attention to Pisces’s flaws or how they can improve themselves. This can deeply wound sensitive Pisces at times, but they’ll bounce back quickly and continue trying to break Taurus’s communication barrier in the hope of encouraging them to form a mental connection as strong as their physical connection in time.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Pisces & Taurus

Pisces’s fervent imagination will come up with ideas and plans that Taurus will be in awe of. Pisces will be quite happy to let Taurus work out how feasible Pisces’s visions are. Taurus and Pisces compatibility will involve so many shared visions becoming real. However, both Taurus and Pisces can become too immersed at times in worlds of make-believe and overindulging in the finer things of life can be a problem. Both will need to make a serious, concerted and constant effort to remain tethered to reality when they get together!

General Compatibility between Pisces & Taurus

Taurus brings stability and security to the relationship – or at least knows what is involved with attaining both and prefers to work with solid facts. Pisces, on the other hand, often struggles (and secretly) with insecurity and is guided by their intuition, rather than facts. However, Pisces can help Taurus to connect with and appreciate their imagination. Taurus can help Pisces to feel more secure and confident. Pisces and Taurus compatibility is based on both sides being able to offer the other what they lack.

Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

A Taurus Man and Pisces Woman both possess strong nurturing and caring qualities. Therefore, both will always feel cared for in every way. The Pisces Woman wears her heart on her sleeve and can, at times, become overwhelmed by her emotions or view life a bit too dramatically. Fortunately, down-to-earth Taurus Man provides her with as much stability and practicality as she needs. The Taurus Man assesses everything logically and makes practical decisions. However, he can undoubtedly benefit from the razor-sharp intuitive insights the Pisces Woman can offer. Together, they make a fantastic team!

Taurus Woman and Pisces Man

The Pisces Man’s compassionate and altruistic qualities will play a big part in drawing the Taurus Woman to him initially. These make up for his dreamy nature that she will, at times, wish was grounded more in reality, but Taurus Woman will connect with and appreciate his gentleness and keenness to ensure she’s cared for. The Pisces Man will be drawn to Taurus Woman’s stability and practical qualities. He will sense that she can be his ‘rock’ through being able to keep her emotions under control. He can also help the Taurus Woman to embrace her deeper emotions and release her imagination in ways she might have never done previously.

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