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Sagittarius & Capricorn Compatibility

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Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Sagittarius & Capricorn

Romance and love between a Sagittarius and Capricorn could blossom but in ways neither might understand initially. Sagittarius might admire Capricorn’s wisdom and ability to remain grounded and practical. Capricorn might be attracted to Sagittarius’s passion and particularly how it flows so evidently within all inspires Sagittarius. Neither is very romantic and therefore doesn’t expect constant amorous gestures or exchanges but can dig deep within their creative sides to sweep each off their feet when they decide to. Therefore, love between a Sagittarius and Capricorn will be more of a creative or ambitious pairing than a deep bonding of souls. They know what they want to achieve independently, and love can be a by-product of being two fantastic supporters or collaborators.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Sagittarius & Capricorn

Sexuality and physical compatibility between a Sagittarius and Capricorn can be great one minute and leave both sides frustrated the next. Emotions are unlikely to play any part in intimacy, so sex between a Sagittarius and Capricorn will be more lustful than loving. Sagittarius tends to regard sex as another hobby or recreational. Sagittarius is likely to prefer intimacy that involves no firm commitment or rules of any kind. Capricorn’s approach to lovemaking is much more sensual, shared and romantic. Sagittarius could be amazed at this considerate approach and at Capricorn’s surprising ability to match their sexual enthusiasm and stamina. However, it won’t be for long if sex between a Sagittarius and Capricorn feels as if it’s a conduit to a deeply committed relationship. A genuine deep bond of love might need to exist to strengthen a long-term intimate connection, but Capricorn could be the one waiting a long time for that to happen.

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Sagittarius & Capricorn

Intellectual compatibility and communication between a Sagittarius and Capricorn could be strong if shared goals form the basis of what they think or communicate. Sagittarius loves learning for the sake of it and will likely be more ‘worldly knowledgeable’ than Capricorn. Capricorn prefers to focus attention on learning for practical purposes, or if acquiring new knowledge can further a cherished pastime or career ambitions. When a Sagittarius and Capricorn find common ground that leaves them wide-eyed in amazement and deeply inspired, then any vision they create together is destined for success. Communication-wise, Sagittarius loves to discuss possibilities and Capricorn prefers to deal with facts. However, this can be helpful with both separating Sagittarius’s idealistic notions from those that can be achieved. Together, they’ll create a definitive ‘To Do List.’

Strengths and Weaknesses between Sagittarius & Capricorn

Strengths of a Sagittarius and Capricorn relationship can involve both accepting that funding the lavish lifestyles they crave, or their keenness to always ‘look the part’ will require considerable incomes. Both also love a challenge and are assured of one in a Sagittarius and Capricorn relationship. Both are entrepreneurial in their own ways, but with Sagittarius as the risk-taker and conservative Capricorn often opting to play it safe. Together, the can strike a balance between excessiveness and moderation.

Weaknesses of a Sagittarius and Capricorn relationship could surround Sagittarius feeling as if their Capricorn is more of a parent figure than a lover. Sagittarius might accept that Capricorn means well and has their best interests at heart when it comes to laying down laws. However, Sagittarius will tolerate this in measured doses. Sagittarius might also grow weary from having to motivate or kick Capricorn into gear to get plans underway that have been discussed extensively. Capricorn will take action when they’re ready to do so, and this could push Sagittarius to pursue solo what they agreed would be done in tandem.

General Compatibility between Sagittarius & Capricorn

General compatibility between a Sagittarius and Capricorn can be strong if both partners decide to view their relationship as a challenge that offers delightful rewards if they feel inspired enough to rise to it. On the face of it, Sagittarius will regard Capricorn as too serious and slow to act. Capricorn will find Sagittarius to be too impulsive, egotistic, selfish and irresponsible. However, they can make a fantastic team of impressive achievers when they ignore each other’s seemingly negative qualities and get their act together. Their relationship might not be passion-filled or something out of a romance novel, but if achievement inspires and excites them, then it could be a long-term union.

Sagittarius Man and Capricorn Woman

Compatibility between a Sagittarius Man and Capricorn Woman will likely involve a need to strike a balance between what can be achieved in the present and put in place for the future. The Sagittarius Man will pursue wholeheartedly any vision that inspires or excites him and will want the Capricorn Woman to be an integral part of the mental or physical journey. The Capricorn Woman is likely to be giving sole attention to the present and dealing solely with facts, not airy-fairy notions.

However, Sagittarius Man and Capricorn Woman compatibility can strengthen when they meet somewhere in the middle. The Sagittarius Man probably won’t deny that he’s drawn to the Capricorn Woman’s practical and authoritative qualities. The Capricorn Woman probably wishes she possessed the Sagittarius Man’s gung-ho, make-it-happen-now attitude. In time, both will know precisely how to make the most of each other’s attributes to create a fantastic, secure, future.

Sagittarius Woman and Capricorn Man

Compatibility between a Sagittarius Woman and Capricorn Man might be difficult to understand to both of them, let alone an observer. This is likely to be due to them sharing a karmic link because a physical attraction is unlikely to be what draws them together. The Sagittarius Woman and Capricorn Man have many contradictory attitudes and beliefs but can’t deny a sense of intrigue that exists between them. The Sagittarius Woman secretly appreciates the Capricorn Man’s practicality and ability to settle down or ground himself at all times. The Capricorn Man secretly appreciates the Sagittarius Woman’s devil-may-care approach to life. He wishes he could let his hair down and be led by sheer optimism in the way she is. Therefore, when a Sagittarius Woman and Capricorn Man are ready to admit it, there is much they can learn from each other!

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