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Sagittarius & Libra Compatibility

View Sagittarius Compatibility With

Aries - Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo - Virgo - Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius - Capricorn - Aquarius - Pisces

Romance and Love Life between Sagittarius & Libra

Romance and love between a Libra and Sagittarius is a relaxed affair with both bringing very different attitudes toward love relationships. A strong bond of trust will likely exist from the outset because of an equally strong bond of friendship formed initially. A Libra and Sagittarius need freedom in a love partnership and will know exactly how much to offer each other. Libra is unlikely to share Sagittarius’s keenness to move from friends to lovers overnight, as Libra will need time to weigh up feelings and be honest about what they feel. However, Sagittarius’s philosophical insights will offer Libra the intellectual stimulation Libra needs. Additionally, Sagittarius possesses an endearing youthfulness and boundless energy that Libra will adore, ensuring their love life is an endless quest for learning and adventure.

Sexuality and Physical Compatibility between Sagittarius & Libra

Sexuality and physical compatibility between a Libra and Sagittarius will likely be based on strong physical attraction in the first instance. Sensual Libra will help spirited Sagittarius to control impatient urges and appreciate how powerful foreplay can be. Libra will also appreciate Sagittarius’s openness and open-mindedness toward intimacy. Sexually, a Libra and Sagittarius offer a perfect blend of energy and emotions to ensure their sex life is balanced and unpressured. Additionally, sex between a Libra and Sagittarius will involve plenty of creativity and imagination on both sides as they show an increased willingness to be experimental as trust grows and commitment levels deepen.

Intellectual Compatibility and Communication between Sagittarius & Libra

Intellectual compatibility and communication between a Libra and Sagittarius will likely involve Libra feeling at ease with someone who possesses an impartial and open mind. Libra will appreciate that Sagittarius has strong views and can’t be distracted from anything that captures their imagination. However, Libra will also welcome the youthfulness, warmth, optimism, and creativity Sagittarius can offer. Sagittarius and Libra are both ‘thinkers’ and enjoy exchanges that encourage them to share views, opinions, and philosophies. However, when Sagittarius becomes too blunt with their opinions or observations and comes across as condescending, Libra won’t hesitate to make this clear.

Strengths and Weaknesses between Sagittarius & Libra

The strengths of a Libra and Sagittarius relationship involve a shared love of life and lightheartedness that keeps both enjoying what they have and wanting more of it. An abundance of shared energy helps a Libra and Sagittarius to be constantly making plans together, adventurously and socially. They can also create something magical when they give a shared focus to any creative plan or project. The weaknesses of a Libra and Sagittarius relationship could surround their relationship being so laid-back that a deeper commitment is never discussed. Libra might find this helpful and relieving if it means they can avoid uncomfortable decision-making. However, it might be Sagittarius who wants their friends-with-benefits arrangement to move up a gear or at least offer a glimmer of hope that it has a future. Libra might need to be more proactive with deciding what they want. Sagittarius might need to give Libra time and space to decide.

General Compatibility between Sagittarius & Libra

General compatibility between a Libra and Sagittarius offers something strong and potentially permanent from the outset. With both being expert flirters, they might be surprised at each other’s different provocative approach but will find it effective enough to want to discover more about each other. Libra’s lifelong mission to make the world a fairer and happier place receives support and understanding from optimistic and charitable Sagittarius. Libra needs someone to help them connect with their adventurous and explorative side, and Sagittarius is superbly placed to assist. Both believe life should involve plenty of freedom, fun, and laughter, and neither will sit still long enough to cause their connection to become stifled or stagnant.

Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

The Libra Man is on a permanent quest to achieve love life perfection and find a perfect partner. The Sagittarius Woman is on a permanent quest to find the next source of excitement connected with her next adventure. Although both have different agendas when it comes to love and relationships, Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman compatibility starts when both discover their quests could be over when they meet! However, compromises will be needed on both sides first. The Libra Man could be clever enough to avoid pushing for commitment straight away, once he detects the Sagittarius Woman’s need for freedom. He needs some himself. Therefore, he understands it. The Sagittarius Woman could be quite happy to allow the Libra Man to take the lead in their relationship, but only if he doesn’t push for deep commitment. This relationship might be more friends-based than love-based initially, but if love blossoms, it could have ‘long-term’ written all over it.

Libra Woman and Sagittarius Man

Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman compatibility could be compromised by both partners being too idealistic. The Libra Woman has probably read enough romance novels to know clearly what her ideal lover should look like and is on a constant quest to find him. The Sagittarius Man also seeks to improve or build upon whatever he has, and this attitude spills into relationships. When in a committed relationship, the Libra Woman needs to know she’s Number One and will be a lover’s priority. With a Sagittarius Man, she could find she’s with someone unable to tame his wild side and wants to do as he pleases as long as he returns frequently enough to make the Libra Woman feel loved and special. She’ll go along with this briefly, but her self-preservation instincts are sharp. If she senses it’s only a matter of time before she’s hurt, then she and the Sagittarius Man will either need to reach a compromise or nip their relationship in the bud.

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