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Taurus 2021 Love Horoscope

2021 has the right mix of influences across the communication, romantic and relationship fronts and that can have a bigger impact than had one been more dominant. Mars, who spend the whole second half of 2020 stuck in a retrograde loop will visit your communication, romantic and relationship sectors for the first time since 2019, lending his passion and warrior spirit to each in turn. It will begin with Mars’ return to your communication sector from 24th April to 12th June, where he is able to declare war on communication barriers. Mars will move through your romantic sector from 30th July to 15th September, where he will fuel your romantic passions and fighting spirit while declaring war on any romantic ruts.

Mars will turn his focus onto your relationships towards the end of the year, returning to spice and shake things up on the relationship front from 31st October to 13th December. However, Mars is not the only planet sharing his support this year and throughout the year Mars is part of a parade of planets. What Mars does on the communication front from 12th April the Sun, Mercury and Venus will continue. It is Venus, the planet of love who will begin the most romantically charged weeks of 2021, returning just eight days ahead of Mars on 22nd July. The most romantically charged months of 2021 will run from 22nd July to 23rd September.

Venus will also be the first planet to reach your relationship sector this year and by the time she returns on 11th September, she will be so far out in front of the other planets that by the time she leaves on 8th October the Sun, the next to arrive is still weeks away. This allows Venus to make a standalone visit to your relationship sector, with her time here from 11th September to 8th October the most magical weeks of 2021 on the relationship front. By the time the Sun returns on 23rd October Venus has been and gone, though having already set the blueprints for what you want from your relationships. What Venus begins on 11th September, Mars will keep fighting for until he eventually leaves on 13th December.

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0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus phone provider's access charge. All calls recorded, 18+ with bill payer's permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. Customer service: 0800 970 2111. Terms and conditions.

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