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Aquarius 2020 Love Horoscope

While it is a fairly ordinary year for relationship matters, with the bare minimum of planetary activity on the relationship front that you would expect from any year, it is a different story on the romantic front. However, the planetary activity you do have in your relationship sector this year is both timely and important. Timely because this kicks off with the Sun’s return to your relationship sector on 22nd July, something that happens at this time every year. However, this is just 20 days after Saturn begins up what can only be described as an exploratory visit to Aquarius, before returning with Jupiter in December. Had the Sun returned any earlier, which it can’t or Saturn stayed longer, there would have been a clash between the two, with this near miss a reminder that next year, a balance between your personal and relationship needs will be policed.

Instead, with the Sun in your relationship sector from 22nd July to 23rd August, Mercury from 5th August to 20th August and Venus, the planet of love making a standalone visit from 6th September to 3rd October, this is a very ordinary annual focus on relationships. However, it is how ordinary this is that makes it special, for it will be a different story next year. Meanwhile, on the romantic front things couldn’t be more different, with absolutely everything going right for you this year. It begins with the fact that the year begins with Venus, planet of love not only in Aquarius but having spent the last 11 days of 2019 here, will go on to spend the first two weeks of 2020 here. This is another standalone visit for Venus and been and gone before your birthday month begins, gets the year off to a romantically charged start.

However, this is just a taste things to the come with Venus not only returning to your romantic sector well ahead of the Sun but staying on through the middle months of the year. Venus will return on 4th April to kick off what are often the most romantically charged 24 days of the year but instead, won’t leave until 8th August. It is a retrograde phase from 13th May to 25th June that will not only keep Venus here during the middle months of the year but will open the doors to the past and second chances. It is while Venus is here that you will not only have the Sun and Mercury move through, but the North Node return for the first time in 17 years on 5th May. Just days before Venus’ retrograde turn, the North Node returns to open major new doors. Here until January 2022 and returning at an already romantically charged time of year, the North Node brings the element of fate into play and is the reason for a lunar eclipse here on 30th November.

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