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Libra 2020 Horoscope

2020 is a big year for home, family and/or property matters but also for work/life balance in general. For while the main weight of planetary activity is on the home front this is also a good year professionally. For the whole of 2019 the lunar nodes worked to police a balance between your home and professional lives and as the weight shifts even more to home and family matters, this will prove invaluable. There will be times that they do clash, especially in mid January and again in the middle months of the year, but these coincide with some of the best points of your professional year. Any work/life balance tension is a case of hitting the guardrails in place and as you do, remembering that those work/life balance guardrails are there for your protection. Protection that is from life becoming lopsided and to ensure that in a year where you can have it all that you actually do get to have it all.

To have Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn meet up in your home and family sector is a once in a lifetime event with the planets of luck, chance and the planet that can give you the power to move mountains, all working as a team. You have had Pluto here since 2008 and Saturn since 2019, so any changes or challenges you were going to face are behind you, with Jupiter returning to bring the opportunities. However, another reason why those work/life balance guardrails are so important, beyond creating a balance between your home and professional lives, is that this year has some unexpected and exciting developments on the adventurous, playful and potentially romantic fronts as well. In terms of what you can expect from this year, the main themes are obvious from the get go, while most other things will come and go in the same order that they do every year.

What I am talking about on the playful and adventurous fronts are outliers, developments that are over and above the normal pattern of any year and with zero indication at the start of the year that they would even be a ‘thing’ this year. It begins with Saturn’s return to your romantic and creative sector on 22nd March, followed by Mercury’s return on 31st March. While Mars is only here for six weeks and Saturn will retrograde back out on 2nd July, this is not only the most powerful injection of energy here in decades, it is a taste of things to come. When Saturn returns on 17th December it will be to spend the majority of the next three years here, while Jupiter will return on 20th December to kick off your luckiest year for love, matters of the heart and all things fun, playful, romantic and creative in a decade. It is just days after Saturn and Mars return in March that the second and unrelated outlier happens. Venus will return to an adventurous part of your chart on 4th April for what should be a 24 day visit, but instead won’t leave until 8th August, over four months later.

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0906 calls cost £1.50 per minute plus phone provider's access charge. All calls recorded, 18+ with bill payer's permission. Entertainment SP www.inveroak.com. Customer service: 0800 970 2111. Terms and conditions.

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