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Leo 2020 Horoscope

If there is one word that could sum up 2020 for you it would be the word ‘busy’. This makes it important to factor this in from the get go because there could be a false sense of urgency or a lack of caution when it comes to putting everything you have into everything you do too soon. Because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of every year in your busy work sector you are used to the year getting off to a busy start. Experience has taught you that the year gets off to a busy start, eases back and you can then dine on the momentum created for months. Except this year doesn’t just get off to a busy start it will remain busy. You have had a taste of this over recent years, with Pluto in your work sector since 2008 and Saturn since December 2017. However, both are planets that are happy to work in the background and prefer a slow approach. The game changer was lucky Jupiter’s return in the closing weeks of last year and until leaving on 20th December will be working to make things happen.

This is the first time that you have had Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in your work sector at the same time in our lifetime and having the planets of luck, change and the planet that can give you the power to move mountains here at the same time makes almost anything possible. While this is a massive year for job growth and for work and job opportunities, this is not something that you will find easy to escape, for this will impact every area of your life that keeps you busy or where you are being of service to others. This makes it important to pace yourself, with a real danger of burnout if you don’t and especially during an especially busy phase, from 17th February to 31st March. However, life won’t be all work and no play and you will benefit all round if it isn’t. You have Mars spending the first six weeks of the year in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart and this will be an important time for creating practices for maintaining a balance between work and play.

In the meantime, there are some surprise developments on the relationship front, over and above the focus that your relationships will always get in the first two months of any year. Saturn will return to your relationship sector from 22nd March to 2nd July, with his first visit in three decades a chance to put in the groundwork for not only his return on 17th December but lucky Jupiter’s on 20th December, where they will spend the next 12 months together. There is another surprise and considering how busy this year is likely to be, this one is just what the doctor has ordered. On 28th June Mars will return for what should be a six week visit to an adventurous part of your chart. With Saturn returning to your work sector just days later, this should be a reprieve and a chance to embrace a passion for adventure for a few weeks. Instead, Mars will spend the rest of the year here, not leaving until January 2021.

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