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Aquarius 2020 Horoscope

For you, 2020 is an undercover year and for two different reasons. The first reason why this is an undercover year is that the major planetary activity this year will all be undercover, with three major planetary cycles all coming to an end, requiring a lot more time peering under the covers. To have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto converge in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart means that you have come to the end of a 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion, a three decade long Saturn cycle of personal growth and the end of a Pluto cycle that began nearly 250 years ago. The latter is less personal, but having the planet of change and revolution working in a nostalgic, reflective but also intuitive and imaginative part of your chart is allowing you to go through this review period thinking outside the square and unafraid to change your beliefs. As they say, we can’t change the past but we can change the way we look at or label the past.

The other reason why this is an undercover year is that it is in disguise, with the year having more than one surprise up its sleeve that is not obvious from the get go. At the same time, while Pluto will spend the whole year in a nostalgic and reflective part of your chart, Jupiter is here until 20th December and Saturn, apart from a few months is here until 17th December, that doesn’t mean you will spend the year navel gazing. Life will go on, but with major planetary cycles coming to a close there will be endings and a higher need to spend time reflecting. For what you are doing is summing up and making sense of the past, as you prepare for major new doors to open. While those major new doors will open when Saturn and Jupiter return to Aquarius in December, beginning a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion and a new three decade long Saturn cycle of personal growth within days of each other, you will have a chance for a sneak peek earlier in the year.

On 22nd March, Saturn will leave Jupiter and Pluto and return to Aquarius and before retrograding back out again on 2nd July, will give you a chance to look to the future and even start laying down new foundations ahead of time. Mars’ return to Aquarius on 31st March will allow him to spend six weeks fueling your passions, drives and competitive spirit. This is the beginning of a major quest to take your personal power back that will extend out as far as 2023. What is exciting about this period is that Venus will also be doing something different this year that will have a direct impact on Mars and Saturn in Aquarius. Venus will return for what should be a 24 day visit to a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart on 4th April, moving straight into a friendly aspect to Mars and Saturn. Venus will like it so much that she will spend the next four months here, not leaving until 8th August. During this time Venus will form a friendly aspect to both Mars and Saturn.

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