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Cancer 2020 Love Horoscope

It is a given that the focus will be on your relationships from the very start of the year because the Sun will always spend the last 10 days and the first three weeks of every year in your relationship sector. However, this year you not only have a mix of the ordinary and the extraordinary, it will remain that way for the rest of the year. The year begins with the Sun in your relationship sector, with Venus having left in the final days of 2019 and with Mercury, planet of communication having returned just days later. This is the ordinary focus on your relationships that you would expect in any year and with Mercury leaving on 17th January and the Sun on 21st January, this is when the spotlight usually moves off your relationships and you are on your own.

However, the ordinary pattern of each year was disrupted when Pluto, the planet of change and revolution returned in 2008 and then Saturn in 2017, when he began a three year relationship boot camp. All this was in preparation for Jupiter’s return in early December 2019 to begin your luckiest and most important relationship year in over a decade. Or at least that is what Jupiter’s return every 12 years will do, except that this time the planet of luck and expansion not only returns to find Saturn and Pluto here, but they have been helping you to prepare for this since 2008. Coincidentally, this was during Jupiter’s last visit, so this is a full circle moment. This is the first time that Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn have come together anywhere since 1982 and for the first time in your relationship sector in our lifetime. While Saturn will leave on 22nd March before retrograding back in on 2nd July, before finally leaving on 17th December, Pluto is here all year and Jupiter until 20th December.

This makes this one of, if not the most important, relationship year in a lifetime and something you have been preparing for, for over 12 years now. With Venus not visiting your relationship sector in 2020, the Sun not returning until 22nd December and Mercury until 21st December, both Saturn and Jupiter will be gone by then, so their contribution is in the early days of the year. In the meantime, while this year is all about your relationships, matters of the heart will get their turn in the very early days of the year, again midyear and then later in the year. You begin the year with Mars in your romantic sector, but gone by 3rd January this is something that needs to be embraced. The next highpoint is when Venus, the planet of love moves through Cancer from 8th August to 6th September, with the faster moving planets then moving through your romantic sector from 27th September to 16th December.

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